Kelso Folk & Live Music Club (click link for our Facebook Group) members can be found on YouTube, Soundclick and other personal music sharing sites. Some are members of local bands or have music-related businesses.
Andrew Smith – transAtlantic fingerstyle guitarist and hammered dulcimer player with a wide repertoire from folk and blues, through jazz and swing to traditional. Andrew normally runs The Oak Room meeting, and is also a key player at Cross Keys Thursday night traditional tune sessions.
Allan Connochie – singer, songwriter and guitar player and also the club’s PR officer. Allan is second in command for managing the Oak Room nights.
David Kilpatrick – founder member of the club, traditional/celtic guitar and other instruments, writing songs and tunes. David can usually be found looking after the Friday night late session and other informal stuff. The video above is 4K… chord shapes super-clear! More videos at
Dave Mullen – guitarist and interpreter of songs old and new, often filming club events:
http://www.youtube.com/DavidFebruary (many videos including club performances with other members).
Pete Gillespie, aka Petshop Pete – guitar and songs. Founder member of the club way back in 1996.
Andrew Hunter – keyboard player and singer.
Stephen Tees – ace viola player expanding from classical professional orchestral work into jamming along and interpreting Scottish tradition.
Ray Nichol – sound and lighting engineer, guitarist and singer.
Bob Liddle – multi-instrumentalist, midi accordion and guitars, Highland pipes and percussion. Composing tunes and arrangements in Scottish tradition.
More pages will be added. Members wanting to be added here should email David Kilpatrick