UPDATE: on November 28th 2020 the club received copies of the second CD, ‘Across the Cobbles’. See: http://www.kelsofolk.co.uk/wordpress/?p=793

KELSO Folk and Live Music Club released its first CD album compilation – 21 tracks, 74 minutes, and involving at least 27 members – on Friday September 5th 2008. It’s a top quality ‘glass mastered’ commercial jewel cased CD, not to be confused with short run or home produce CD-Rs.

Most of the recording production work was done by Peter Fry at his home studio near Yetholm, with members of the club visiting for recording sessions, overdubs and instrumental arrangements. Other members and guest artists have provided tracks directly or recorded their own for the project. Final mastering was done by David Kilpatrick, and the CD lists full artist and track names. The information has also been entered in the GraceNote Database, so if you copy ‘Cobbled Together Vol 1’ to your iPod, all the details will be automatically added on-line.
We have no more of these CDs remaining so they are now a collector’s item!
The playlist is:
1: I’ll Stay by You (Petrie) – Ian Petrie (3:30) ©℗ Fourtrak Records
2: A Little Bit o’ B Flat (Pryde) – Frank Pryde (3.53)
3: The Cattlefold of Kintail (Gaelic Trad.) – Mandy Douglas (2:31)
4: The Maid of Norway (Trad./Scott/Kilpatrick) – David Kilpatrick (4.56)
5: A Time and Place (Hunter) – Andrew Hunter (4.56)
6: A Waltz for Doreen (Liddle) – Bob Liddle (4.47) www.bobliddle.co.uk
7: Femme Fatale (Fry) – Peter Fry (3:52) with Alimay Wilson, vocals. www.myspace.com/peterfry
8: Witches (Carly Blain) – The House Sisters (3.12) Recorded/mixed/mastered by Julien Batten, Quayside Studios, Newcastle
9: Pretty Things (Glasheen) – Kelly Glasheen (2.38) www.myspace.com/yetanothereden
10: Loch Tay Boat Song/Lochanside (Trad. Arr) – Ian Croall (3:35) with David Kilpatrick, guitar
11: She Moved Through the Fair (Padraic Colum) – Paul McGinley (2.36)
12: Four Brothers (Mullen) – Dave Mullen (5.01) www.youtube.com/DavidFebruary
13: Legless (Martin Marroni) – The Marroni Family (4.10)
14: Jock o’ Hazeldean (Sir Walter Scott/John Whitaker) – Alimay Wilson (2.31)
15: Calling Down the Line (Alan Brydon) – Ron Hastings (4:16)
16: Holy Halfpenny (Seattle) – Matt Seattle (2.31) with Donald Knox, guitar
17: You’re My Inspiration (Connochie) – Allan Connochie (3.00) www.myspace.com/allanconnochie
18: Broke Down Engine (Trad./Bob Dylan) – Ted McKeown (2.21)
19: Gin I Were a Baron’s Heir (Robert Burns arr. Dougie MacLean) – Pete Gillespie & Ron Hastings (3.16)
20: Sitting on the Top of Blackpool Tower, Live (George Formby) – Roger Platfoot & KFLMC (3.05)
21: The Dundee Weaver, Live (Trad.) – Heather Nicol and Darren Scurfield (2.44)